Potassium Tetra-Oxalate
Potassium Tetra-Oxalate
Used as a chemical raw material in different sectors, potassium tetra-oxalate is mainly used marble sector to produce polishing tones. We are supplying high quality Potassium Tetra-Oxalate, in powder, crystal A1 or crystal A3 form. All these three types have the same chemical compositions and they are transparent. The only difference is the size of the grains.

Areas of Application
Used as a raw material in the production of polishing stones.

Powder Potassium Tetra-Oxalate
Grain size is 0,5 mm (min %96)

A1 Crystal Potassium Tetra-Oxalate
Grain size is between 0,5 mm to 2,17 mm (min %85)

A3 Crystal Potassium Tetra-Oxalate
Grain size is between 2,17 mm to 3,70 mm (min %85)

Chemical Formula : KH₃ (C O₄)2.2H₂O
Richness S Pb CI Fe N
99,80 % 0,061 % <0,0001 % 0,004 % 0,0006 % 0,006 %
Potassium Tetra-Oxalate - Brochure